LIBOR USD // 09.08.2024
1M 5.44800
3M 5.37430
6M 5.23423
LIBOR USD history and chart
LIBOR GBP // 28.03.2024
3M 5.30370
LIBOR GBP history and chart
LIBOR JPY // 30.12.2022
1M -0.06005
3M -0.02617
6M 0.07165
LIBOR JPY history and chart
LIBOR EUR // 31.12.2021
ON -0.64957
1W -0.59414
1M -0.61943
2M -0.58814
3M -0.58057
6M -0.55600
12M -0.48571
LIBOR EUR history and chart
LIBOR CHF // 31.12.2021
ON -0.77860
1W -0.80200
1M -0.77540
2M -0.77300
3M -0.75300
6M -0.70280
12M -0.55320
LIBOR CHF history and char
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